Built In Vacuum Company in Hollywood

Clean Your House Faster and More Effectively with a Built-in Vacuum Cleaner. If you have recently moved to Hollywood and your new home has a built-in vacuum cleaner system or are thinking about adding one to your current home, you may be wondering exactly how these systems work. A built-in vacuum system, also known as a central vacuum system, can be an excellent addition to any home or business. Designed to make it easier and more convenient to clean your home, a built-in vacuum is ideal for people with busy lifestyles, limited mobility, pets, or small children. This simple to use system eliminates the most labor-intensive parts of cleaning your flooring, making it easier for you to tidy up small spills or sweep the whole house. Read on to learn more about the way these systems work and whether one may be right for you. 

What is a Built-in Vacuum Cleaner?

A built-in vacuum cleaner system combines the cleaning power of a regular vacuum system with convenience and ease.  Conventional vacuum setups mount the motor and vacuum bag on top of the cleaning head which means you must push this extra weight around and carry it up and down the stairs when you operate the vacuum. All that weight can be hard to push through a large home if you have back problems or other mobility issues. Not to mention, lugging your vacuum from room to room is a time-consuming task. Additionally, once you’ve completed the process of dragging the vacuum around, you still must sweep any hard floor or tile surfaces to get them clean.  

Your central vacuum will need to be regularly serviced and maintained. Preventive maintenance is a must. In a central vacuum system, the main canister that houses the motor and the vacuum bag is housed in a fixed location, typically in your garage. The built-in ports in each room allow you to plug the cleaning hose in and immediately take dirt and debris to the central canister unit through piping in the walls of your home. You simply carry the cleaning hose and attached powerhead with you from room to room and plug it into the system in the area you want to clean. If you have tile, laminate or wood flooring, you can choose the powerhead designed for this kind of flooring. This saves you from having to sweep and leaves you with a better, cleaner result. 

What's the Purpose of a Built-in Vacuum?

The central vacuum system doesn’t just make it easier for you to clean your home, it also helps you get better results and cleaner air inside the house. The increased filtration that a built-in vacuum system gives you eliminates dirt from the house and keeps your air supply pristine. As you clean, the exhaust and dirty air are filtered directly to the outdoors. This helps trap any dirt or allergens and eliminate them from your air supply before you breathe them in again. Unlike with a regular vacuum, where the exhaust is filtered back into the home and recirculated, this stops you from breathing in any dirt or dust. With this increased filtration, you can count on cleaner air and reduced asthma or allergy symptoms. This can be especially helpful if you have pets in the house. Trapping the fur they shed and any pet dander or dirt they bring into the home and getting it out of the air can help you control any pet allergies and problems with hair sticking to your furniture.

How do Central Vacuum Systems Work?

The concept behind a central vacuum system it is quite simple. A built-in vacuum works the same way as any other vacuum you may have used in the past. The only difference is that with a built-in system, the key elements needed to clean the home are broken apart and housed separately from the cleaning hose and powerhead. This makes it easier for you since you do not have to worry about moving the canister around as you clean.

Options for Cleaning Tools and Accessories

A central vacuum system is customized to meet your specific needs. With many options for customization and add on tools, you can make a central vacuum system your ultimate cleaning tool. Once you have this system set up to your liking, you can get rid of dusters, brooms, dustpans, and other cleaning accessories. Additionally, you can choose to include vents in any part of the home where dust or dirt tends to accumulate to make it easier to keep clean and select special powerheads or tool attachments to increase your cleaning power. There are many powerheads and tools on the market, including:

  • Specialized powerheads for wood flooring, carpet or tile
  • Cleaning attachments designed to help you reach inside cracks and crevices
  • Wand attachments to make it easy to reach up high or down low without stretching or bending

An Investment in a Built-in Vacuum is an Investment in Your Home

The expense associated with a central vacuum system can be minimal, especially when you consider the long-life span of a built-in vacuum. When you purchase a regular vacuum at a lower price, you may be looking at having to replace it each year as low-priced vacuums are often made with cheap, plastic components that are not designed to last, and may not be able to stand up to regular use over time. This is especially true if you have a house filled with pets and family members. A high volume of hair, sand, dirt, or animal dander can lead to clogs and burning smells within the average budget vacuum. Instead, a central vacuum allows you to pick up anything without having to worry about overwhelming the system. The increased power of the unit might amaze you if you are used to using a budget or older vacuum.  

Another reason to consider spending a little more to get a built-in vacuum is the value it adds to your home. If you want to sell in the future, you can increase your price to reflect the value of this system. Discerning buyers will see this for the advantage that it is and be willing to spend a little more. 

Pros and Cons from Other Types of Vacuums

There are many pros to this kind of vacuum system, including:

  • Ease of use
  • Versatility of the system
  • Long life span

One con is, built in vacuum cost can be a little higher than a conventual vacuum. Although you should view it as an investment in the value of the home that builds equity, it can be a more substantial amount than your budget allowed.
If you’re in the market for a new central vacuum system in Hollywood, Gator Vacuum can help. Our team has experience with the installation and operation of these systems and can help you with every step of the process.